DIST Digital Storytelling
The E-course is addressed to VET trainers and based on the content of the Guide “Storytelling For Training” and on the videos and will explain how to use the storytelling and the videos produced by the project for developing the SIE to aspirant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. The E-course will assure a better exploitation of the Guide, because the E-course can be accessed at a distance and offer better support to learning compared to simple reading of the Guide.
The E-course will be self-administered, and the content will be structured in units, each of them targeted to a specific learning outcome. At the end a question based assessment tool
will allow to measure how much of the planned learning outcomes has been reached. Every participant that successfully finishes the E- course will receive a certificate issued by the
country partner describing the unit(s) attended and the learning outcome(s) reached, structured in competencies coherently with the last section of Europass. The structure by
learning outcomes and the final certificate will permit the course to be inserted in personal learning paths or inside other wider training programs. 40 hours of direct delivery, plus work in autonomy. Available on November 2017
The E-course is addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and is based on the content of the Guide “Storytelling For Training” and on the videos.
The course is divided in two different sections with different goals: one addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs and the other one to entrepreneurs. The goal of the training with aspirant entrepreneurs will be to make trainees aware of main difficulties and satisfactions in setting up a business or an independent activity, which sector looks promising in own country, what transversal skills are needed and more in general what means and how to develop sense of initiatives and entrepreneurship.
The goal of the training with entrepreneurs will be make entrepreneurs compare their qualities and strategies with qualities and strategies of the entrepreneurs featured in the
videos, and reflect on how improve the managing of their activities, and set action plans and monitor. Both sections will refer to videos and will be structured in units, each of them targeted to a specific learning outcome. Every unit will be structured with informative materials, check lists, observation grids, grids for developing and monitoring improvement plans, links to useful sources and additional informative materials. At the end of every unit a question based assessment tool will allow to measure how much of the planned learning outcome has been reached. Every participant that successfully finishes one unit of the E-course will receive a certificate issued by the country partner describing the unit(s) attended and the learning
outcome(s) reached, structured in competencies coherently with the last version of Europass. The E-training will be self-administered, however during the pilot in every country the E-course
will be facilitated by a facilitator. The facilitator will welcome participants, explain how to use the platform, support them in the process of learning and collect their feedbacks.
Each of the two section will be 40 hours of direct delivery, plus work in autonomy. Available on November 2017.