DIST Digital Storytelling
Plain videos: 15 young entrepreneurs in every partner country will be interviewed and video recorded twice according to a structured grid. The first interview will be based on the development of the business eliciting biographical and motivational aspects. The second interview will focus on day to day management eliciting transversal competencies requested for managing a business. In every partner country, the young entrepreneurs interviewed will belong to innovative sectors and sectors with good market opportunities.
A Study on main themes emerged by the interviews. The results of the study of the interviews will be described in a Study containing a description of success factors and main challenges encountered by young entrepreneurs in the innovative sectors examined and a description of competencies for success.
A Guide on use of storytelling in VET The Guide (available in E-format) addressed to trainers, will explain how to use storytelling and the videos produced by the project for training. The guide will focus on:
-principles and utility of storytelling in training
-how to choose and collect stories
-the features of the videos and related E-training course produced
-how to use the videos in face to face training in a class / workshop settings.
A face to face and an E-training course on developing entrepreneurship The E-course is addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and it is based on the content of the Guide Storytelling For Training and on the Videos. The course is divided in two different sections:
Both sections will be structured in units, each of them targeted to a specific learning outcome. At the end of every unit a question based assessment tool will allow to measure how much of the planned learning outcome has been reached. Every participant that successfully finishes one unit of the E-course will receive a certificate issued by the country partner describing the unit(s) attended and the learning outcome(s) reached, structured in competencies coherently with the last section of Europass. The E-training will be self-administered.
An E-course addressed to trainers: The E-course is addressed to VET trainers and based on the content of the Guide Storytelling For Training and on the videos and will explain how to use the story telling and the videos produced by the project for developing the SIE to aspirant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. The E-course will be self-administered, and the content will be structured in units, each of them targeted to a specific learning outcome. At the end a question based assessment tool will allow to measure how much of the planned learning outcomes has been reached. Every participant that successfully finishes the E- course will receive a certificate issued by the country partner describing the unit(s) attended and the learning outcome(s) reached, structured in competencies coherently with the last section of Europass.